Time to colonize Mars! Being a part of the United Nations
committee, I must create a few main principles before we travel and terraform
to Mars.
- Map out specific areas on Mars for both terraforming and preserving. If it is planned out ahead of time, once the community settles on Mars, there should be no dispute over the issues of transforming a new planet completely like Earth or not. Certain areas will be allowed to be changed, and those designated areas will be saved for families/people who wish to create Mars based off of our previous home, Earth. Another area for living will be designated for people who wish to create a completely NEW world, not based off of the Earth, but still different than the natural Mars. The last area will be kept untouched-saved for the ecological history of the original Mars, and will be studied by the ecologist and historian of the leadership group.
- Have a committee decide on a decent sized group to be chosen to travel to Mars. A committee from the UN will choose individuals from many different countries to evenly represent the Earth’s population to bring to Mars. A very diversified group will be chosen, and the committee will also work with the group as a whole to pick a few leaders for the new world. The leaders will include about five people: A president, vice president, historian, ecologist, and a head translator. Each of these leadership jobs will be decided from voting by the group traveling to Mars and the committee from the UN, and will be based on past leadership history. This way there won’t be struggles for power in the new country, and the leaders should represent different areas of our original world.
- Guidelines and laws will be predetermined before the group travels to Mars. Both the UN committee and the newly decided group of leaders for Mars will work together in creating a fair system of laws for Mars, based off of many similar laws across the globe on Earth. This will include rules for an economy on Mars, illegal activities on Mars & possible punishments, communication with us back on Earth, limitations on terraforming and guidelines for sustainability on Mars, and terms and conditions of the leadership spots on Mars. This means that there will be a limit for how long the group of five leaders may have power on Mars, but this depends on how the group votes. If they are still wanted to stay in power (as chosen by the people on Mars), they are allowed to stay.
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